Politics (world)

Politics (world)#

Child migrants, unaccompanied (US) from NYT

Coup dataset

Election surveys (lots of countries)

EU’s Transparency Register

EU lobbying database

French project to emulate the Every Politician dataset — Code for France

French overseas aid data — AFD

German Bundestag parliamentary minutes since 1949 and article

Hong Kong political prisoners

Opinion polls across Europe

Palestine: catalogue of ‘incitement to genocide’ (Law for Palestine). See also: data collection form for denigration of Palestine supporters

Parliamentary speeches (20 years) in Belgium, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Portugal & Spain

Political data for 233 countries — EveryPolitician

Sanctions imposed around the world

Terrorism database

United Nations decisions & resolutions (XML)

US political email used by Gmail — The Markup

US Postal Service weekly performance — how much mail got dealt with?

US diplomacy — Wikileaks cables

World protest dataset

Supreme Court justices: financial connections