

— See also ‘Cities’ under Collections

Africa urban data — Africapolis

Airbnb data by (selected) cities —

APUR — Atelier parisien d’urbanisme

Bees in cities with locations

Bristol council monthly spends over £500

Cardiff CCTV cameras

Cardiff council: problems reported to the Fix My Street app

Cardiff council: mapping of services via ‘Ishare’ (includes CCTV)

Cardiff street list

Dog fouling in Stirling

Electricity demand in India

Farming, urban

Footpath shape & dimensions in NYC — NYC Open data

Funerals for paupers in Coventry — WhatDoTheyKnow

Green streets — ONS

Grocery purchases by area-level

London: earning by borough

Properties by council tax (Valuation Office Agency)

Rats in NYC (‘Download raw data’)

Rents in England

Rough sleeping in England questionnaire (initial results)

Rubbish collection monthly amounts in New York City — NYC Open Data

Street names in Europe

Trees in Paris with lat, long coordinates (ca 200K)

More trees: Amsterdam, Bogota, Dublin, Helsinki, London, Madrid, Los Anglese, New York, Surrey, Vienna, and York

World Cities Database —