— See also ‘Cities’ under Collections
Africa urban data — Africapolis
Airbnb data by (selected) cities —
APUR — Atelier parisien d’urbanisme
Bristol council monthly spends over £500
Cardiff council: problems reported to the Fix My Street app
Cardiff council: mapping of services via ‘Ishare’ (includes CCTV)
Footpath shape & dimensions in NYC — NYC Open data
Funerals for paupers in Coventry — WhatDoTheyKnow
Grocery purchases by area-level
Properties by council tax (Valuation Office Agency)
Rats in NYC (‘Download raw data’)
Rough sleeping in England questionnaire (initial results)
Rubbish collection monthly amounts in New York City — NYC Open Data
Trees in Paris with lat, long coordinates (ca 200K)
More trees: Amsterdam, Bogota, Dublin, Helsinki, London, Madrid, Los Anglese, New York, Surrey, Vienna, and York