A/B headline testing datset — Upworthy
BBC senior executives’ pay, expenses etc.
Data archive of interest to US journalists — Big Local News
Factchecked information (global)
FOIA Annual Reports 1975-2018 — A. Jay Wagner
FOI responses (UK) — whatdotheyknow
FOI responses from Cardiff Council
French press cards awarded in 2013 (statistics) — French government
G-DELT Project. Global database of events, language and tone
Guardian journalism: 2 million pieces of Guardian content via API
ICIJ Offshore Leaks Database (Panama 2015, Paradise 2017)
News on the Web Ngram (WEB-NGRAM) – The GDELT Project
Press Freedom Tracker US (API)
Press photographer numbers (male vs female) in 2019
Snowden Digital Surveillance Archive