Business & economy

Business & economy#

Amazon price tracking

Amazon best-sellers or how to scrape it yourself

Amazon: 5 years of US purchase histories

ATMs in the UK

Automation of jobs — ONS

Big Mac Index — The Economist

Business births, deaths and survival rates, ONS

Charities index UK

Charities in England & Wales (official register)

Childcare costs in London and across OECD

Coins: what people have in their wallets (survey)

Community interest companies (newly registered)

Companies House API

Companies influencing elections

Consumer price inflation

Consumer Price Index: basket of goods and services 2023

Consumer trends

Earning power by area — Wales

Enron emails (500K) — investigate the infamous company

Financial & economic datasets — Bank of England

Fincen files (global financial transactions) — ICIJ

Fiscal data

Gender pay gap UK reporting data

German Companies (5 million +)

Global companies (7 million +) —

H&M product data

Homeworking during the pandemic (UK)

House prices

Job vacancies over 1 million, 2022 (ONS)

Kickstarter datasets scraped en masse

Land registry UK: who owns what? & price paid data

Livestock in Wales — last ten years

Millenium of macroeconomic data — Bank of England

Minimum wage — UK employers who underpaid

Mobile payments in India since 2018 (quarterly)

Offshore leaks databases — ICIJ

Opencorporates — Largest world database of company info

Overseas entities (UK) via Companies House

Plastic bags (England charges for single-use)

Points of interest dataset (OS) “location-based directory of all public and privately-owned businesses, education and leisure services in Britain”

Property, UK companies owning & overseas companies owning

Property sales (residential) 1995-21 by region, England & Wales

Pubs and beer in the UK

Pubs in the UK

Register of overseas entities

Restaurant spending via Revolut in pandemic (UK)

Retail location data

Strikes in China

UK labour market statistics

UK business demographics

Violation index - 60,000 enforcement actions brought against companies by government regulators

Wine: protected designation of origin in France & Italy

Working from home, by local authority

Work visas, sponsored, England & Wales

World mining datasets

Zero hour contracts numbers