
All party parliamentary groups (registers of) & Financial donations (searchable) via Open Democracy

Bradford Council: numbers stopped at local elections 2023 for lack of ID

Brexit 2016 referendum results

China: dissent

Cornish identity (Census 2021)

Donations to political parties

Elections: reports from Electoral Commission

Electiontechhandbook.uk — data & tech resources around 2019 election

Electoral Commission (elections & financing of)

Electoral statistics — Office for National Statistics

General election results 2019

General election results 2017 — Electoral Commission

Google & political advertising — Google Transparency Report


Lobby meetings with UK ministers — Transparency International (EU, France, Italy and Chile also available)

Lobbyists register & also

Local election turnout, Wales 2022

Ministerial resignations since Thatcher

Ministers’ gifts, hospitality, travel etc.

MPs’ annual business costs & claims

Opinion polls in the UK

Political ads on Facebook: Ad Library (UK) & here

Political ads on Google: Ad Transparency (UK)

Sanctions list

Scottish parliament

Senedd elections 2021 (under ‘supporting evidence’)

Senedd: expenses claimed

Senedd petitions

Senedd Record in 5th Senedd

Senedd Record for current parliament via They work for you

Senedd Register of Members’ Interests

Parliament APIs — Westminster

Parliamentary voting

Register of Members’ Financial Interests | Can be queried using Datasette | Available as csv / excel file via mysociety

Transparency register for ministers (gifts, travel etc)