
Benefits data from DWP

‘Common good’ assets in Scotland

Contracts Finder (£10K+ govt contracts)

Councils underpaying home care workers: Bureau local investigation (2021)

Financial statements for UK public sector

Find a Tender (High-value govt contracts of £118K+)

FOI responses by govt: statistics

Former UK GOV sites

Government contracts worth more than £10,000

Government expenditure — all public sectors

‘Levelling up’ funding programmes

Local authorities in England: revenue, spending & financing (2022-23)

My Society published datasets and tools (Democracy, FOI, Better cities)

Petitions to UK parliament

Petitions to Welsh parliament

Planning appeals, England

Planning data, England

Planning in London datahub

Royal diary

Ukraine sponsorship scheme, numbers & applicants & Ukraine homelessness

Ukraine refugees in UK — ONS experience survey

Ukraine refugees in employment