

Benefits data from DWP

‘Common good’ assets in Scotland

Contracts Finder (£10K+ govt contracts)

Councils underpaying home care workers: Bureau local investigation (2021)

Financial statements for UK public sector

Find a Tender (High-value govt contracts of £118K+)

FOI responses by govt: statistics

Former UK GOV sites

Government contracts worth more than £10,000

Government expenditure — all public sectors

‘Levelling up’ funding programmes

Local authorities in England: revenue, spending & financing (2022-23)

My Society published datasets and tools (Democracy, FOI, Better cities)

Parliamentary questions unanswered: blog & post

Petitions to UK parliament

Petitions to Welsh parliament

Planning appeals, England

Planning data, England

Planning in London datahub

Royal diary

Ukraine sponsorship scheme, numbers & applicants & Ukraine homelessness

Ukraine refugees in UK — ONS experience survey

Ukraine refugees in employment