Module Two: Producing journalism with data
Getting stories from data, from digging to publication. This module assumes some familiarity with spreadsheets, numbers, charts and data sources.
Data used in workshops
- UK sanctions list
- Energy performance in England & Wales
- Heathrow noise complaint reports
- Air quality data
- Homeworking in Great Britain in 2020
- Register of geographic codes (UK)
- Gender pay gap data by company
- Overseas companies that own property in England & Wales
- Dentistry NHS
Story work from workshops
- UK sanctions: How many records this month and last month for Russian people / entities?
- Energy performance: What questions can we ask these variables (here, for a single postcode)?
- Heathrow noise today
- Birmingham air quality
- Homeworking and geography
- Gender pay gap: Who are the companies with high / low gaps in your area?
- Overseas companies that own property: Find top 10 countries (pivot table); filter for your area
Sourcing work from workshops
- TASK: Try out two monitoring services
- TASK: Find a site to be scraped
- TASK: Finish home working map
- TASK: Review empathy post
- TASK: Read how (not) to map migrant movement