Portfolio assignment


Produce the skeleton of a story:

Deadline 1: Monday March 14th. Email (Aidan) a link to the data, and a one-line summary of the story or line being pursued

Deadline 2: March 30. File with Cambridge Spark (and email it to Aidan if you like)

How do I do this?

There are two ways to do this: starting with a dataset, or starting with a question.

The first goal is to find data, either because you think it will help to answer your question or because you think it is likely to contain newsworthy information.

The second is to analyse the data for a newsworthy observation.

This is what will take time: finding the data, and then finding the newsline. From that you write the opening par, build a chart that shows the reader something and add a wish list of potential interviewees.

To ensure that all this work is visible in the portfolio, keep an account of what you do and of what works and what doesn’t. In a worst-case scenario where you have little to show despite a lot of effort, your account will demonstrate the work you’ve done.